Benefits of These Four Desk gadgets to Your Business
The production level in most businesses is undergoing a steady decline, exhibited in the last few years. Business entails profits and losses, but if you sense a decline in your employees’ production levels, just know it is a general problem but not specific to your business. The decline in production levels is attributed to an average employee losing eight-working hours a week which is equivalent to one full working day. The survival or failure of your business hinges on its production levels which can be considerably increased by using the following new gadgets.
If you are working within an open office setting and you are looking to boost productivity, using a luxafor is one brilliant idea. If the idea is to ensure that employees use their working hours maximum on production, incorporating luxafor on every desk in an open office will go a long way in ensuring that by reducing unnecessary conversation among employees. Maximum production at a workplace requires all the employees to work together which is always a challenge because of the several distractions at a workplace, an issue which is eliminated through the use of luxafor. Luxafor can change color based on the website you are working on or you can manually change it if you are free.
Smart-desk mini, just like a standing desk is used by an employee who wants to work while standing, though unlike a standing desk, it seems to suit all office situations. A smart-desk mini is placed on your desk and it has a surface where you place your working equipment then you transform it into standing desk by simply raising it to your desired height where you can comfortably work on your feet. The flexibility of switching between sitting and standing gives an employee the room to work as they want to ensure their comfortability.
Chatting, social media or using a restroom are some of the issues that contribute to wasting of valuable work period among employees, but this wastage can be gotten rid of by allocating your employees a five minutes break after every twenty-five working minutes through the use of pomodoro timer. People are often enticed by gifts and motivated by rewards and a pomodoro time functions on the same concept since there are a five minutes break for every employee who has been working for the last twenty-five minutes. To ensure maximum results with the use of pomodoro timer, a visual reminder has to be kept in sight where an employee can keep track of time.
When you are on a working streak even the slightest of distraction can interrupt your concentration which normally needs coffee, however, having a coffee mug warmer ensures that no time is wasted warming coffee. Instead of taking a break from work to warm a cup of coffee, how about you use a coffee mug that ensures its warm all the time. Using these gadgets at your workplace will not only change the way you wok but increase production too.