Legal Tips on What to do in the Event of a Dog Bite.
Dogs are known to be man’s best friend but don’t be mistaken, they can turn on anyone and cause very serious injuries. Dog attacks have both physical and psychological impacts which include trauma, bite marks, and in unfortunate cases the attacked person can contract deadly diseases such as rabies. In the event a dog attacks and bites you, here is a guide on the legal steps you need to take.
Immediately after a dog attack, make sure that you put down everything that took place during the attack from the beginning to the end on paper. If you might have had a verbal or physical exchange with the dog owner before and after the attack, ensure that you include it in your written record. You should also prepare a list of all the expenses you are likely to incur and also ensure that you capture any state law clauses on dog bites.
It is also recommended that you report the matter to the police. The police will write a report in the incident and this will aid in their investigation in determining if the dog has been involved in a different bite incident. Reporting is also important as it enables the police to know if the dog is vaccinated up to date, a fact which may twist you case in court if you decide to sue the dog’s owner. One this is done, you need to seek medical attention immediately regardless of the bites being serious or minor.
Settling the dog bite claims out of the court of law with the dog owner is one of the best ways you can have a settlement for your dog attack claim. You can also have the owner’s insurance company or his or her own owner’s insurance cover compensate you for the claim. This is a shorter process as compared to court case suits and the option is much cheaper. Take your time and make an assessment of the deal the dog owner offers and this will see you get the best out of the claim.
It is advisable that you seek the services of a professional lawyer in dog bite cases if the dog owner fails to meet the terms agreed upon or an issue arises you can consult this law firm. Other than gathering the information and evidence about the incident, the lawyer also prepares a demand letter based on the expenses you have incurred and also inform the dog owner of your intention of using them in the court of law. The lawyer also drafts a quote on the amount you are demanding from the dog owner as compensation so as not to proceed with the case in the court of law. Ensure that you file a case in court if this is not the first incident the dog has attacked and caused injury.
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