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Learn Everything There Is For You To Know When It Comes To Ti Leaf Plant

If you are fond of medicine plants, then surely you do know about how there are already fifty-two thousand eight hundred eighty-five medicinal plants present all over the world. However, in this article, what we will be talking about is the legendary ti leaf plant. For sure, you already are familiar with the ti leaf plant but perhaps, you do not know its name, so you think you do not. If you have seen people dancing the hula dance, the leaves that are used on the hula ski comes from the ti leaf plant. If you want to know more about it, we suggest that you continue reading this article until the very end.

For those of you reading this article who were given a chance to visit Hawaii in the past, surely, you have observed the unique flora and landscape of the region. Among all the plants that you can see across Hawaii is the ti leaf plant, which is known for having a big place in the culture of the region. According to some experts, they claim that the ti leaf plant is not native to the islands of Hawaii. As a matter of fact, these historians claimed that the Polynesians are the ones who brought the ti leaf plant to Hawaii when they settled there around four hundred to five hundred A.D. Polynesians are said to be great mariners therefore, they have the tendency of leaving their islands when the conditions will not allow them to farm or when they became overpopulated.

Due to the length of their journey, what Polynesians do is that they brought with them necessary supplies that will allow them to survive in the new island like dogs, plants that they can cultivate, tools, pigs as well as chickens. The thing that they use for their travel are dugout canoes that were created correctly. One of the plants that they brought with them when they settled in the islands of Hawaii is the ti leaf plant. The survival of the ti leaf plant in the long journey is said to become of the special meaning it holds.

Based on the folklore, the ti leaf plant is known for being a sacred plant for the Hawaiian God of Fertility, Lono as well as the Hawaiian Goddess of Hula, Laka. Because of the special meaning that the ti leaf plant holds, priests are using them in their ceremonies as a way to ward off evil spirits. You can actually say that this is the reason why ancient Hawaiians are utilizing them as utensils, medicine as well as food.